Cunderdin and Meckering
Bush Fire Brigade Captain Cunderdin: Adam Whisson Captain Ygnattering: Digby Wilmott Captain Meckering/Chief Bush Fire Control Officer: Ashley Burges 0428 251 236 |
Cundy/Meckering Clay Target Gun Club President: Chis Chant |
Meckering Golf Club President: Neville Burges 0427 946 275 |
Cundy/Meckering Cottage Homes President: Ros Coleman Secretary: Julie Mussared 3rd Tue Quarterly @ Museum 5pm |
Meckering Ladies Club Cuppa Meckering Sporting Club Every fortnight on a Monday Between 9am-11am Sandie Laird 0428 251 122 |
Child & Community Health Clinic (Serving Cunderdin, Meckering, Tammin) Located at Cunderdin Hospital Contact Nurse Donna Jasper 9635 2216 for appointments. |
Cunderdin Men’s Shed Inc. President: Bernard Daly 0488 079 334 Secretary: Tony Smith 0487 316 448 9am Tuesday @ Museum Workshop |
Meckering Ladies Hockey Club President: Rowie Snooke 0417 881 710 Secretary: Meg Reynolds 0447 805 261 |
Cunderdin 100 Mile Club Inc. President: Troy Boromini 0401 176 167 Meet first Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm |
Cunderdin Museum Manager: Michelle Samson 9635 1291 2nd Tuesday 6pm |
Meckering Men’s Shed President: David Foord 9625 1119 Secretary: Brenton Bain 9625 1000 |
Cunderdin Basketball Association President: Cody Fulwood 0439 962 512 Secretary: AJ Williams 0400 342 225 |
Cunderdin Nippers President: Mash Jasper Vice President: Jason Dumbrell Secretary: Lara Morrell |
Meckering Playgroup President: Nat Mackin 0433 748 492 Secretary: Em Fulwood 0448 326 211 Monday 9:30am @ Meckering Primary School |
Cunderdin Bowling Club President: Clive Gibson Secretary: Vic Bridge Treasurer: Jan Harvey |
Cunderdin Patchworkers Meet every Tuesday at the Museum |
Meckering Primary School P & C President: Chantelle Leeson 0428 924 049 Meckering Primary School |
Cunderdin Christian Fellowship Sunday 10am @ CWA Hall Contact: John O’Hare 9635 3233 |
Cunderdin Playgroup President: Shanade Farrar Secretary: Sophie Rogers Every Monday of the school term |
Meckering Sporting Club President: Jeff Snooke 0407 251 379 Sec/Treas: Sharon Reynolds 9625 130 |
Cunderdin Community Mission Shop Open Fri & Sat 9.30 – 12 noon Uniting Church Grounds President: Mrs Leslie Rogers Secretary: Mrs Jan Jasper 0488 053 719 |
Cunderdin RSL President: Graham Cooper 9635 1443 Secretary: Norm Harvey |
Meckering Tennis Club President: Neil Carter 0428 251 207 Captain: Louise Snooke 0418 960 088 |
Cunderdin CRC President: Bruce Storer Secretary: Sandie Laird Committee Meets 5.30pm on 2nd Monday of the month |
Cunderdin Sports and Recreation Centre President: Laurise Wilson 9635 1155 |
Meckering Trinity Church Available for special occasions Anglican - Di Kelly 0429 910 342 Uniting - Sandie Laird 0428 251 122 Roman Catholic - Aimee Leeson 0409 278 015 |
Cunderdin District High School P&C President: Sandrine Pasfield Secretary: Jamie Tindal [email protected] |
Reed Cunderdin Supervising Coordinator: Robyn Stanik Tuesday - Friday 7:45am - 5:15pm |
Cunderdin District Spinners & Crafting Group Contact: Ms Daphne Skinner 0474512915 Meet on Wednesdays |
Cunderdin Women's Hockey Club President: Hannah Davey Secretary: Ashlei Otway 0408 544 886 [email protected] |
Shire of Cunderdin Monthly meeting 3rd Thursday @ Council Chambers’ President: Alison Harris CEO: Stuart Hobley 9635 2700 |
Cunderdin Football/Netball Club President: Jeff Snooke 0407 251 379 Secretary: Tim Fulwood |
Cunderdin Volunteer Fire Service Cpt. Brandon Skinner Last Monday of the month @ Fire Station |
Shopper Bus Operates Thursday mornings, for HACC recipients only Contact Cunderdin Health Centre 9635 2222 |
Cunderdin Gliding Club Operate most weekends Cameron McDonald 0409 683 159 |
Cunderdin Lions Club President: David Godfrey Secretary: Vic Bridge 1st Thursday of the month @ 7.30pm |
Cunderdin Golf Club President: Darren Jasper ([email protected]) Secretary: Corrina Baxter [email protected] |
Meals on Wheels Health Centre 9635 2222 |
Uniting Church Contact: Alan Carter 9635 1329 |
Cunderdin Community Gym Committee: Aaron Cooper 0400 793 570 Bernie Daly 0488 079 334 Axel Thomson 0408 822 889 |
Wednesday Activity Group for Seniors (WAGS) Contact the Cunderdin CRC 9635 1784 |